
  • Requirement

    Maintain reviewer or releaser credentials within the established chain of custody for information reviewed or released.

  • Discussion

    Chain of custody is a process that tracks the movement of evidence through its collection, safeguarding, and analysis life cycle by documenting each individual who handled the evidence, the date and time the evidence was collected or transferred, and the purpose for the transfer. If the reviewer is a human or if the review function is automated but separate from the release or transfer function, the system associates the identity of the reviewer of the information to be released with the information and the information label. In the case of human reviews, maintaining the credentials of reviewers or releasers provides the organization with the means to identify who reviewed and released the information. In the case of automated reviews, it ensures that only approved review functions are used.

More Info

  • Title

    Non-repudiation | Chain of Custody
  • Family

    Audit and Accountability
  • NIST 800-53B Baseline(s)

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