
  • Requirement

    Maintain the association and integrity of [Assignment: organization-defined security and privacy attributes] to [Assignment: organization-defined subjects and objects].

  • Discussion

    Maintaining the association and integrity of security and privacy attributes to subjects and objects with sufficient assurance helps to ensure that the attribute associations can be used as the basis of automated policy actions. The integrity of specific items, such as security configuration files, may be maintained through the use of an integrity monitoring mechanism that detects anomalies and changes that deviate from known good baselines. Automated policy actions include retention date expirations, access control decisions, information flow control decisions, and information disclosure decisions.

More Info

  • Title

    Security and Privacy Attributes | Maintenance of Attribute Associations by System
  • Family

    Access Control
  • NIST 800-53B Baseline(s)

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    NIST 800-53A Assessment Guidance

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