NIST 800-172

Learn about NIST 800-172 and explore its 35 enhanced security requirements.

  • Purpose

    NIST 800-172 provides enhanced security requirements for the protection of controlled unclassified information (CUI) on nonfederal systems that are related to critical programs or high value assets.

  • Relationship to NIST 800-171

    NIST 800-172's enhanced security requirements supplement NIST 800-171's security requirements, and should be implemented in addition to NIST 800-171's security requirements.

  • Advanced Persistant Threat

    NIST 800-172's enhanced security requirements are meant to counter advanced persistent threats (APTs). An APT is an adversary that possesses sophisticated levels of expertise and significant resources (such as a nation state).

  • Protection Strategies

    NIST 800-172 defines three protection areas: (1) penetration-resistant architecture, (2) damage-limiting operations, and (3) designing for cyber resiliency and survivability.

  • Adversary Effects

    NIST 800-172's enhanced security requirements map to effects on the adversary's ability to disrupt and compromise. The five high level effects are: redirect, preclude, impede, limit, and expose. There are fifteen additional classes of effects, including deceive, preempt, contain, and reveal.

  • Organization-defined Parameter Values

    Organization-defined parameter values prompt the organization to define values that are contained in the requirement text, such as defining the frequency of a security review.

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NIST 800-172A

Learn about NIST 800-172A and explore its assessment procedures.

CMMC 2.1

Learn about the CMMC and explore its requirements.

NIST 800-172 provides enhanced security requirements for CUI on nonfederal systems that are related to critical programs or high value assets. The requirements are meant to counter advanced persistent threats (APTs).

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