
  • Requirement

    Prohibit remote activation of collaborative computing devices and provide indication of devices in use to users present at the device.

  • Discussion

    Collaborative computing devices include networked white boards, cameras, and microphones. Indication of use includes signals to users when collaborative computing devices are activated. Dedicated video conferencing systems, which rely on one of the participants calling or connecting to the other party to activate the video conference, are excluded.

More Info

  • Title

    Collaborative Device Control
  • Domain

    System and Communications Protection
  • CMMC Level

  • Related NIST 800-171 ID

  • Related NIST 800-53 ID


  • DoD Scoring Methodology Points


  • Reference Documents

    • N/A

  • Further Discussion

    Notification that a device is in use can include an indicator light that turns on or a specific text window that appears on screen. If a device does not have the means to alert a user when in use, the organization should provide manual means. Manual means can include, as necessary:

    • paper notification on entryways; and
    • locking entryways when a collaborative computing device is in use.

    This requirement is not intended to include technologies that enable users to share the contents of their computer screens via the internet.


    A group of remote employees at your company routinely collaborate using cameras and microphones attached to their computers [a]. To prevent the misuse of these devices, you disable the ability to turn on cameras or microphones remotely [c]. You ensure the machines alert users when the camera or microphone are in use with a light beside the camera and an onscreen notification [b]. Although remote activation is blocked, this enables users to see if the devices are active.

    Potential Assessment Considerations

    • Are the collaborative computing devices configured to provide indication to users when in use (e.g., a light, text notification, or audio tone) or are users alerted before entering a space (e.g., written notice posted outside the space) where they are in use [b]?
    • Are the collaborative computing devices configured to prevent them from being turned on without user interaction or consent [c]?

NIST 800-171A Assessment Guidance

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